Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Update photo's to follow

Hello all,

It has been sometime since I last posted. I will add pictures in the next couple of days so everyone can see Sebastians progress. After reading the last posts I realized that so much has changed.

Sebastian is currently 6.29kl or 13 pounds 14 ounces.

He is a very long baby and very soon we are going to have to purchase another car seat (already). He will be 9 months old on the 10th of Jan and is currently 5 months corrected. This morning we just started him on cereal and he took to the spoon with no problem. We just have to make sure his digestive system can handle the new texture.
Sebastian has started to make some lovely sounds which I believe are sounds he hears from Grandpa as we are over at my mom and dads house on a daily basis. He is an incredible baby but after me posting months ago that he is eating every four hours that quickly went back to every two -three hours so I am still not getting much sleep.

Steinar is working longer hours but when he walks through the door after working all day you would think that Sebastian only knows who daddy is. Kind of annoying but I love watching the two of them.
We are very active going to many outings with other moms and it makes for a week when we are not in all day. With the weather getting colder we (the moms) meet at the mall prior to it opening and walk the mall for excerise then hang out and get tips on child care from each other.

Our first Christmas together was wonderful and we were thankful for having each other and such a wonderful family and great supportive friends.
As a gift to me I put Sebastian in his own room. I thought I would get more sleep but listening to the monitor is more annoying then listening to him while he is in our room. I have been told that I will get used to it and possibly sleep in the near future (one can only hope).
I look forward to posting new pictures for everyone to see. At the moment my angel calls so I run. :)