Monday, October 26, 2009

Photo from yesterday

Hi all,

Sebastian is doing well and so am I. He has just started (2 days ago) to sleep four hours between feeds which makes me really grateful. It has been three months of getting up every two hours or sooner in order to keep him happy. It is funny when I hear other moms of babies the same age as Sebastian's corrected age (12 weeks) and they are complaining because their babies are only sleeping seven or eight hours between feeds then I want to choke them. I guess it could be worse so I am not complaining.

Sebastian still has numerous appointments at various doctors appointments but for the most part is well. Our big decision is what to do with these flu shots and the H1N1 shot for ourselves and him.

I had planned on discontinuing this blog but as I have so many people following it I may contiue it for a few more weeks before I figure out how to keep people updated.

Greetings to my family in Portugal- as you can see by the picture he is cute as a button in the outfit that you set him. Many thanks and much love to all of you.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Carlie comes for a cuddle

Pictures from our trip (various)

Our first real away trip (and that means overnight)

Steinar , Sebastian and I decided that we needed a little get away. For Thanksgiving weekend we went to Huntsville which is three to four hours north of Toronto and spent three nights in the most beautiful spot watching the fall colors and just hanging out. It was the ordeal of packing what seemed like everything in the house. Trying not to forget anything which I did and had to go back. Leaving on time which is never a possibility no matter how much planning you do. The eleven o'clock departure became a feeding at 11 and departure at 12 after three changes of clothing for the little guy. The leaving and become stress free prior to realizing that I was missing a part of my breast pumping equipment and hence we made a return trip home to get it. We did manage to reach Huntsville by 6pm and after a bit of room shuffling we were able to get settled and had an enjoyable weekend before packing up (which was alot quicker then packing to depart from home) and spending Thanksgiving Monday with the family.

So far so good I am almost ready for the big International trip to Norway. Heaven help me.

Moms I spent time in hospital and the big prem babies

These are the moms and the babies that I spent time with in the hospital prior to Sebastian arriving home. The bond we have is amazing and we meet on a regular basis. Funny when we arrive a t a restaurant with three infants, three strollers, one four year old and three moms how we are not able to get any service really quickly. We get looked at and it seems as if everyone decides regardless of the time that it is their lunch break.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sebastian is now 6 months old and doing well

Hello everyone who is still reading. I have decided that I now have some time again to blog until I figure out what I am doing with these updates. On Saturday October 10th our little boy turned 6 months old. I find it hard to believe that he has been around that long as I have only had him home for about 10 weeks.

Sebastian according to all the health professionals we are seeing is doing very well. It is hard to judge just by looking at him that he was premature unless I tell you his age is 6 months then he looks small.

As of his appointment today he is 5.20kl or 11 pounds 7 ounces. His length is 60cm and he is doing very well.

He is still waking about every two hours to be fed and is fondly called "snacks" by our friends the Marmina family who know that he eats small meals alot rather then letting mommy sleep. Oh well, I am told in time he will get better and have more hours between feedings.

Sebastian still goes to numerous appointments with many different doctors and we are blessed that he has so little issues.

We took our first road trip into Huntsville which is about 3-4 hours north of Toronto. We decided it was time to take a trial trip so that when we visit Norway it would not be such a huge shock to prepare. Well it was a huge effort just to get out the door. We scheduled a time to leave. At that time Sebastian became hungry again so we had to postpone leaving until he was fed. It rolls around to an hour later and we decide to leave but we need to change him three times prior to leaving as he has done a bit of a throw up on three occasions. The funny thing is we know when he is going to be sick because he has the most beautiful little laugh and then proceeds to throw up. At least we are somewhat prepared.

We left and then I find that I have left behind some important part of the breast pump which I need in order to provide our child with nourishment. So back we go to the house. I should say it could have been alot worse. We did stop for lunch and a lovely lady came over and shook Sebastian's little leg which he was kicking up and down. No sooner had she done that then he had a massive bottom burp and the biggest poop we have seen yet. That was pretty funny. We did get to our hotel and had a wonderful few days taking in the changing of the leaves. Steinar managed to get in a golf game in the 0 degree weather during a now fall which turned into rain and then hail.

All in all I must day it was a great success and if I was not so tired I would do it again.

I hope to keep more regular updates but I hope that you will all enjoy the numerous pictures of our little man.