Friday, April 30, 2010

Sebastian Turns One

Hi all,

It has been a long few months since I last posted. Lots has happend in the last few months. Sebastian was a year old on April 10th. How time flies. I can't believe my little boy is one. He is the joy in our lives. It has been close to a year of me getting up every two hours to feed him and I have now implimented tough love and had to let him cry for the first time in his life. The crying was to help sleep train him. It took only three days to have him sleep six to eight hours straight through. I am still hitting my head against the wall as to why I did not do this earlier.

This lasted a few days before Sebastian was waking again. This was due to teething. So here we go again.

Photos to follow shortly as I am now able again to have some time to post. Thanks for the continued interest.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sebastian learns to sit up and hold himself up

Sebastian has to sit in the bumbo chair several times a day. This helps him with his core strength as he is lacking the muscle tone (which is common in babies born so early). He is doing well and soon I will be able to feed him solids in a high chair.

Steinar and Sebastian

More Christmas

I love this picture. Sebastian has discovered his feet and soon they will be reaching his mouth.

Christmas Day

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Christmas Day Time with Grandpa

First they open the gift and grandpa reads the story.

Uncle Jon chills with Sebastian

Uncle Jon (who will be Sebastian's Godfather)hung out with him. I love these photos because it looks as if both Sebastian and his Uncle have been partaking in the beverages. This is Christmas Day at mom and dads.

Our First Christmas

We celebrated Christmas as per Norwegian tradition on the 24th of December. Sebastian was in awe of the tree and had funny with the tissue paper on the first gift he opened. It was a great day and the first of many traditions to come.

Sebastian's nurses

Sebastian is lucky to have regular visits from the wonderful nurses who looked after him in hospital. Cheryl (holding him) was his primary nurse in the NICU at Women's College Hospital while Sarah also had her time looking after him. I adore these ladies and I am eternally grateful for the care they provided for our son. I know they will be in our lives for a long time. I hope so anyway.

Daddy and Sebastian

Sebastian is a cat for his first trick or treat

I decide that I should dress Sebastian up for his first Halloween. He lasted all of ten minutes in costume and he was back into a sleeper. Auntie Diane came over for a visit and as always shared some quality time with the little guy.

Long Awaited Photo's of Sebastian

Things have been really busy with us. I am out and about at lots of doctors appointments and play dates with other moms. Sebastian is well and as of this week he is 9 and a half months or 6 months corrected. He is currently 66cm and weighs in at 14 pounds 4 ounces or 6.6 kl for my European relatives. I am not going to bore you with the particulars but instead update the photos as I know most of you are just interested in looking at how this little angel has developed rather then hearing about it. I am going to try to update this on a more regular basis but for now here are some pictures.