Monday, June 1, 2009

Mom learns to give Sebastian his bath

Lots of fun tonight. After weighing Sebastian I was able to assist in giving him a bath. I brought my own supplies so I was able to give him soft towels and use nice baby soap. It was lots of fun and he was well behaved throughout. I was shown how to clean all his nooks and crannies and in what order for sanitation reasons. He was a star and was great for the entire time. He was toweled off and had a nice big pee in my beautiful soft white towel and we narrowly avoided a poop in the same towel.
Next time I will be doing this on my own (with a nurse beside me of course).
I must say that nothing smells better then a clean baby. After changing him he was given a soother and put down for the night. The small things mean so much.

The bandage on his arm is to hold his IV in place. It is to be removed on Monday.

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