Monday, September 7, 2009

Our first real road trip- what a task that was!

This is how the day went. We decided to go on a road trip to Port Perry to see how things would go. For those of you who don't know the location of Port Perry it is about a 40 minute drive east and north of where we live. I drive it in about 25 minutes but that is a different story. Mom and Dad used to own a Bed and Breakfast in this lovely town.
We had planned on leaving at 11 am until that is Sebastian had to eat. So we were out the door by noon. Not too bad I guess. We took the country roads to Port Perry to make it more exciting (took us 40 minutes to get there). By this time we needed to eat. So we ate and when we were done and ready to walk and window shop Sebastian decided to eat. That was another hour. Needless to say we spent more time trying to feed, change diapers and other necessities then we did actually enjoying our road trip. It was a beautiful day and what I have learned are the following:
Always bring extra food regardless of how long you are gone.
Never expect to leave any time near the preplanned departure time.
Never plan anything.
Other then that it was an excellent outing which has prepared us for the next. Maybe we will venture an hour away from home next time.

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