Sunday, September 27, 2009

Update on Sebastian

Hello all blog readers I have finally found the time to give a "Sebastian Update". Things have been really busy with him now being at home and I am trying to get into some sort of routine or find a way to manage my time more effectively.

Sebastian had his clinic update with the doctors from Women's College Hospital and he is doing very well. Our only concerns are his acid reflux and his weak tummy muscles(so we have to do alot of tummy time in order to strengthen his muscles). His last weight was 10 pounds (or 4.6 kilo) exactly however that was weeks ago and we are sure he is above 11 pounds now as he is getting very heavy to cradle and hold.

Mom and dad have been very supportive with helping me adjust to having him home. The long days in the NICU and the stress build up is something I am trying to deal with and have not felt quite right since his birth. I am thinking time and sleep will help with my road to recovery.

Sebastian is now 9 weeks corrected and is starting to smile and laugh which is making it really enjoyable. We are trying to take road trips on a weekly basis so I don't go stir crazy looking at the same four walls. I have joined several classes for babies so I can spend some time with other moms and get out of the house. With the weather I get out for walks but when the snow comes it will be mall walking for exercise. I have decided I am not a mall person although this is were other moms go for a break.

I am planning on stopping the blog at some point as he is taking up alot of my time and I am having trouble updating and I know that I have a lot of people reading this blog and would like to know exactly who wants updates. That being said for those of you faithful followers who want updates on Sebastian I am going to start an e-mail account and those of you who e-mail his account will get regular updates.

Pictures will follow before I shut down this blog, however he looks the same just more beautiful with every day.

Love and thanks to everyone still reading the saga of Sebastian our miracle baby.

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