Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shout out of thanks to Wendy Moulsdale RN, MN IBCLC (not sure what the letters mean but I have alot of respect for her)

A big thank you to a lovely woman from Womens College Hospital. Wendy is a nurse (not just a nurse but a nurse with special skills). Not only did she give alot of love and care to Sebastian when he was at Womens but she made a point of knowing what made him tick.

We went through some interesting times when everyone was trying to figure out what was up with Sebastian and she came to the conclusion after going back daily (and that's alot of information to absorb) what exactly was wrong or not wrong with our little boy and made sure he was not treated for something he did not have. Wendy or should I say Auntie Wendy gave Sebastian a wonderful book prior to us moving hospitals and made me feel really special. Three days ago I had some medical questions (turned out to be about half an hour of medical questions) and although I know it was a very buys time for her she did not rush me and took the time to give me answers to my many questions. Those she did not know the answers to she consulted with people who knew and e-mailed me the information. I know she keeps up with the blog (was surprised when she told me) and I wanted to give her a special thank you for all her dedication, love and care of us both. You are a special lady Nurse Wendy and I am grateful for your time and help.

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