Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday August 20th -Guest Speaking at a Fundraising Event for Sunnybrrok Hospital

I was asked to speak at a golf tournament that was to help raise money for the Women and Babies program at Sunnybrook Hospital (aka Women's College). When I was asked I did not hesitate to accept the invitation (as much as I hate to public speak) as I am so passionate about the hospital and staff that saved Sebastians life. The golf tournament was held at a beautiful golf course in Toronto called Eagles Nest.

When I arrived with Sebastian (to pull at the heartstrings of the golfers) and Steinar (as support and because he would never say no to anything to do with golf), I was amazed at how beautiful the club house was and the quality of people in attendance.

The public relations people were very appreciative of our family being in attendance. The event was done up to the nines and it was the annual Sofina Golf Classic. The owners of the company the Latifi family were amazing and hold this foundation very close to their hearts. They have committed to help fund the High Risk Operating Suite within the new Sunnybrook Health Science Centre's new Women and Babies Program. This means a 1.5 million dollar commitment.

The people attending this event were kind and welcoming. They showed parts of my video from the fund raising effort we had done months ago for one night live. I was asked to speak after the video. When I watched the video it made me cry to see how far we have come and the road we had travelled. So by the time I got on stage to speak I was a bit chocked up to say the least and hence the introduction began. My speech writer (grandma) did a spectacular job and I was able to present with strength and conviction a supportive and glowing review of the hospital and their staff. With Steinar by my side holding Sebastian the 150 people in attendance gave us a roaring standing ovation and not a dry eye was in the room. I am pleased to say that 240 thousand dollars was presented to the Women and Babies Program and I am sure some of that my have to do with Sebastian being in attendance.

To let you know the kind of event this was one of the live auction items was a Presidential lecture with Bush and Clinton followed by photo's and an intimate dinner President Clinton. The other items were awesome and Steinar made sure I did not raise my hands to top the 28 thousand dollar bid for a Oceanfront Villa in the Turks and Caicos (I was tempted).

The picture of Steinar outside is when the auction was loud daddy stepped out to quiet it down for Sebastian. The sky was amazing and the weather had been incredible with a tornado touching down just west of us during the fundraiser.

What a night. I think we are going to be the new spokes people for the Women and Babies Program.

1 comment:

  1. I would have been bawling my eyes out. I would love to see your speech Kat--I am sure you did a fabulous job.
