Sunday, June 21, 2009

Brief Update

I am a little delayed on the time to blog. It has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions the past week as I have not had a minute of time to blog. Sebastian as of today (fathers day) is 5 ponds 8 and a half ounces. Sorry Aunt T but I don't have the gram conversion handy at the moment. He was transferred to a closer hospital and the first few days adjusting were hell for both of us. The problems have since been fixed as I had a meeting with the head nurses and authority figures from the hospital when I had enough of the treatment he/we were receiving. Things have since calmed down and we are both adjusting to the new nurses,the new protocol and the change of venue.

Also this week we welcomed 7 of Steinar's friends who arrived from Norway on Friday night. Of the seven four were little people ages 11, 10 2 years and 3 months (born 3 days before Sebastian). It has been a nice visit so far with lots of laughter noise and toys everywhere. It is nice to have the company and as they are self sufficient I don't have to worry much about running around as Sebastian is my priority. I have pictures to post and will get to it in the next little while.

We are all well and look forward to being home in about a months time (God willing). New pictures will be posted soon.

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