Saturday, June 13, 2009

Up and running - update on Sebastian

It has been a long week of visits to the hospital. I have many pictures to post and they will speak for themselves. From what we have been told as of today (Saturday June 13th) Sebastian will be fully dependent on his low flow (tubes up the nose supplying oxygen) from now until he is no longer needs help on the extra oxygen. He is progressing very well and occasionally takes a small step backwards when he is pushed too far. The doctors thought he may come home before the due date of July 24th (my sisters birthday as well) but they are thinking it will be around that time. I am guessing he will be transferred to the nearby hospital in less then ten days time.

I am learning all sorts of things at the hospital when I visit. They have got me doing everything that I will be doing at home. It is really a bonding experience. This past week they introduced Sebastian to the almighty boob. It took him about seven seconds to discover it and latch on. Much different then using a machine to pump. Babies of this age do not have the ability to suck and swallow at the same time (although they can do both independently). So they do what they call "lick and sniff" which is an introduction to the nipple. So far so good. We will start on Wednesday to try to have him actually feed without choking.

Sebastian weighs in at 4 pounds 14 ounces (or for Aunt Theresa 2225 grams) now that is positively fat.

He is starting to look like a real baby and not like a small doll. He is beautiful and makes a funny face when I smoother him in kisses about every second I am visiting him. I could look at him all day especially his well perfectly formed rosebud lips that look like grandma Fowles. I think he is starting to look like his daddy which is not a bad thing. Enjoy all the photos.

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