Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today Sebastian is 2575 grams (in for your language Aunt Theresa).He is closing in on 6lbs and is doing well. I have not had two minutes to do much of anything as I am required at the hospital as much as possible. I am no longer entirely afraid of dropping him when I bath him however changing the poopy diapers are a whole other topic (I won't be posting those pictures). I now have a new appreciation for parents (mothers in particular) and don't know when I will ever sleep normally again. It has been very difficult being in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) but all I have to do is look at Sebastian (especially when he is sleeping) and not for one moment do I think any of this was not worth the battle (which at the moment is slowly going uphill). Pictures will be posted by this weekend and I have lots so be prepared.

Thanks to all of you who have been keeping us in your prayers and thoughts. Steinar and I appreciate it and believe that every prayer counts.

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