Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Picture Delay -update on Sebastian

Hello everyone checking in on Sebastian. Things (such as pictures) have been delayed as our home computer is out of commission and I can't post any pictures. As for an update......Sebastian is doing very (yes very well). They (the nurses) are preparing me for the big day when he will be moved to a lower level hospital alot closer to home. They figure Sebastian will be living at home in just over a month.

Sebastian is currently being cycled off his CPAP and has tubes in his nose (low flow) for his oxygen. Six hours off twice a day in a 24 hour peroid. This is a huge advacement for the little guy.

I am currently at the hospital and he is 34 weeks old today (June 10th) and two months old since he was born on April 10th. He is weighing in at about 4 pounds 11 ounces or approximately 2110 grams.

I am kind of shocked that we will be leaving this hospital (although it is good news)as I have been in here (including the days I was hospitalized) for 92 days. The staff are amazing and although being closer to home will save me alot of travel time I will be deeply sad to leave what I know for the unknown.

I have started to prepare myself as I dropped by Centennary Hospital in Scarborough yesterday and asked for an orientation prior to the "big move". It comforts me to know where he will be going and to know some of the staff in advance.

I should be able to post pictures soon as I expect to have the computer up and running by the end of the week. Sebastian has grown leaps and bounds and is super cute as you will see from the pictures I will post. Be prepared as I have lots of them to show.

1 comment:

  1. "Sebastian will be living at home in just over a month"...YAY!!!

    This is awesome! Just think in no time he will be watching Baby Einstein (baby-crack), learning to talk, crawling around and becomming even more cute as each day passes.

    This is SO flipping exciting!

    Huge hugs!
