Friday, July 10, 2009

My friends in the NICU

When Sebastian first got admitted to the new hospital he was put in a separate area which holds four cribs until he was checked and cleared of any type of illness. He was cleared after three days yet we remain in this area (which is fine with me). My cell mates are Meredith and her husband VJ who have a son Kai(3 years) and her prem Keoni who has the same due date as me but was born at 27 weeks instead of 25. My other cell mate until earlier this week was Lorraine and her son Matthew who is due around the same time as both of us but was born at 28 weeks. This week Matthew was able to go home as he was breast feeding on a regular basis. Our cozy little group of three has now become two and both Meredith and I are both ready to go home with our children. We (the mothers of babies in the NICU) share a very unique and common bond that only those who have gone through it have had. We will remain life long friends and have counted on each other for the support we so often need. I am grateful to both of these ladies.

Today Friday June 10th Sebastian is 3 month old. We have been in the NICU for 91 days as of today and I am ready to have our little boy home. It has been a tough struggle but all I need to do is look at Sebastian and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

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