Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weekly Update Pictures to Follow (when our SD card starts working)

So we made it through a week, although a little ragged, we survived. Sebastian is for the most part a perfectly wonderful child. He does not cry often and has the most lovely expressions. Two days after getting home we had a tremendous rain fall and some of our house flooded as well as a fairly new roof that is leaking. I guess for some when it rains it pours. It was a bit too much for us and put us at the end of our rope. The insurance company has stepped up to the plate and the rooms have been deconstructed and are presently drying with about five large fans on for the last four days. We have a constant flow of people in and out accessing things and looking for mold as Sebastian room was also affected.

Mom has been a huge part of me staying sane as she is over for three hours a day to allow me to get some sleep. Also she makes sure that Steinar and I have our meals prepared. I realized just how much I depend on her and I am indebted.

Sebastian went to his first doctors appointment on Tuesday and got a clean bill of health. He is having some digestion problems which is not unusual in prems and his tummy is full of gas. If that is the only issue then we are doing ok.
For the most part we are ok other then I am suffering from a side effect of the strong antibiotics I was on for the pneumonia and I am now being treated for something that is wreaking my system. Fun and games.

I will have pictures but at the moment have not found the time or the help to rectify the computer problem. Maybe when grandma is over we can work on that as I will have both hands free.

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