Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sebastian is 6lbs 13 ounces as of today or 3080 grams

It has been a very busy few weeks and time is not something I have alot of. Today I am able to post as I am sick with the flu and I am not able to be in the NICU. It is very hard day as I am having a bit of stress over not being able to see Sebastian but I can assure you that I am calling the NICU on a regular basis and annoying them for regular updates.
Our seven Norwegian guests who had been staying the past two weeks have left for home and had a great visit. We enjoyed the time with them and wished things had worked out a bit differently so that I could have spent more time visiting with them rather then at the hospital.
Sebastian is growing well and I am now focusing on breastfeeding. Sebastian is now also being bottle fed to help him develop his suck and swallow as prems have a hard time coordinating both. He was given his first bottle and managed to hoover his full feed of 59 ml in about 20 minutes flat. Very impressive.

We have health related issues happening all the time with Sebastian and are still facing many ups and downs (far too many to blog). As of today things are "stable" and our little boy is growing stronger and not dependent on any more machines to help in his breathing.

Thanks for all who are praying for the little guy and reading the blog. I will try to blog more often.

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