Today (Monday May 25th) Sebastian is now weighing in at just under 4 pounds or 1814 grams. He is looking better and his primary nurse Cheryl is back to get him over the horrible weekend. They have made the decision that Sebastian is getting too big for the isolet and he is now in a crib. Funny what taking him out of an enclosed area can to do regulate his temperature. He is the only baby in the NICU in an open air crib and he will have to adjust to the new noises. As of today (Tuesday May 26th) he is over 4 pounds, has no fever and has adjusted to his new surroundings as he is requiring less oxygen from the CPAP. This is all very good and he is progressing well.
Friends and family ask if he will be out soon as he is getting bigger but unfortunately they do not release him based on weight it is based on his condition and at the moment he is not going to be released until at least his due date of July 24th.
Also Sebastian is wearing clothing to bed. After looking at him for 6 weeks in just a diaper it is a little weird to see the new changes.
This picture was taken when Cheryl had his CPAP (head mask with oxygen) off in order to massage his face and clean him up. The tube in his mouth is for feeding. His head is a bit out of shape and long as it is somewhat formed by the head harness for the CPAP. I have been told that this will sort itself out in time. Sebastian pulled his feeding tube out three to four times yesterday. I would have thought by now he would have realized that what comes out must be put in and that is not the most comfortable. He will learn.