Saturday, May 16, 2009

Craszy Week in the NICU

This week did not leave alot of time to blog. It was one of those up and down weeks were you proceeded two steps forward and one back. At the beginning of the week based on our son not looking great they took some blood work to check. Sebastian had a bladder infection, the amazing staff at the hospital immediately put him on antibiotics as a precaution (prior to getting the results) which in turn cleared up his infection (thank god). What was upsetting to me was that they had to put a cathater in on two occasions in order to get the urine to test. I was not in the room for this (poor little guy).

Later on in the week he developed a fever (again)just after he had another blood transfusion. They (doctors) have subsequently decided that he was having a reaction to the donor blood as this has happened after the last two blood transfusions. Needless to say we thank everyone who donates blood but if needs another transfusion then they will be taking from another donor. Other then that we have had a "reasonable" week as far as his health although it has been very stressful for mom and dad.

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