I know that they are feeding Sebastian every two hours and I am working as hard as he is to keep up with the milk production so that he is well fed. He is currently up to 18ml of breast milk every two hours. It was not too long ago that he was at 1ml every two hours. He has days when he does not tolerate his milk and sometimes they have to give it to him again. They feed him through a tube in his nose and after the feed when things have settled they take a syringe and pull back on the tube to see if they have any left in his tiny tummy. If they get several cc's back they just push it down again. At this many weeks they (dairy queen) start adding vitamins to his food as he would be getting alot more from me had he remained where he should have.
The good news is that he is gaining weight but sometimes we are shocked by how much. One night he put on 65 grams and they weighed him four times to make sure they were correct. They were and in the morning his weight went down considerably after going through four diapers (no need to get more graffic). I found that really funny but I am sure the nurse did not at 6am in the morning (although they are used to it).
Three days ago he put on close to 100 grams and after being weighed five times they confirmed that it was a confirmed weight gain. As of yesterday he had not had another episode so he now at the weighing in at (drum roll) 1258 grams for those of you who speak the other language (Aunt Tiny) he is about 2 pounds 11 ounces.
The weight gain keeps the hospital and us happy so lets hope this keeps up.
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