SO we managed to have an evening out (almost like a date night when we knew Sebastian had the best of Baby sitters). The evening started with a visit to Sebastian who was doing well.
We arrived at the Air Canada Center about 15 minutes prior to the show starting and found our seats which were very good (although not close enough for great photos). It was very strange to be approached by staff member from Sunnybrook who thanked me for doing the video as she had seen it in the making. Very nice but strange. Our clip was put on between the Three Canadian Tenors and Sheryl Crow preforming. I must say it was REALLY odd watching a three minute clip of your self on the Jumbo-tron and a bit freaky when everything is so enlarged. You will see that Steinar managed to get the worst possible shot of me when I was up on display. I may have looked tired but it is amazing what they can do with editing.
I was fine throughout the segment until they had the most beautiful video of Sebastian that I had not seen came up on the video and that is when the tears came.
During intermission I wondered around trying to figure out how I was going to meet Sting. I met someone who knew someone who had connections and they managed to get me to the floors to get pictures up close and I am sure that had I stuck around I would have been able to get up close and personal. The only problem was that by the time the concert was over (or near ending) I had hit my wall. I did not care who was up on stage I just knew I needed to get home and get some sleep. Also I was the person who stood up the whole concert and danced like a fool while the people behind me could not see much other then my backside(which I am sure was very exciting for them).
The concert was amazing and I had people approaching me to ask me how Sebastian was doing. I was stopped over twenty times and people were pointing me out and smiling at me as I walked by. A very strange experience yet very positive. I would do it again in a heartbeat as I am sure it helped generate some money for the amazing new facility the are creating to help women and babies.
I will be getting a copy of the video and I will blog it for those interested.
What a night but I am sure I will pay for the lack of sleep for the next few days.
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