Monday, May 4, 2009

Sebastian does his first photo shoot

Today upon visiting Sebastian I was asked by the charge nurse if I could do a photo shoot with the Toronto Star as they wanted to do a photo section in the Mothers Day issue. I was pleased to do it and after about 50-60 photo's were taken we were done for the day. So for those who get the star and live in Ontario then look for Sebastian Bertelsen in the paper this weekend. For those who don't get it I will take a picture and put it on the blog. Also the photographer will be sending me the pictures (I will post some of those).

We were asked to do another really cool thing to support the hospital but I will save that for a blog later this week. Very exciting he is going to be a superstar if he is receiving this kind of media attention already.

Sebastian is doing well and looks wonderful and healthy. It was a long but happy day.

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