Today many things happened. Sebastian gained over 112 grams and is now over three and a half pounds. He is getting bigger and for some reason after a few bad days seems to be taking a step forward. He has had tubes in his lungs since birth. Several weeks ago they tried to extabate (spelling is not the best) him (pull out the tubes) and tried to put him on a CPAP (oxygen machine that although looks bad is non invasive). At that time he did not respond well and they had to reinsert the tubes. The sad thing is that it is a catch 22. He needs to tubes in his lungs to breath but the tubes do damage to his lungs.
For the last few days he has been trying to pull the tubes out so they decide today that they would extabate him again. So far so good as he is breathing with only the CPAP which will allow his lungs to heal. We are so pleased as we did not want them to reinsert the tubes again. It is not the most pleasant thing for Sebastian to go through. Having this new breathing system looks horrible but it is such an advancement for him that we are the happiest we have been in some time.
I was able to be with Sebastian when they did they procedure and remained calm (unlike last time when I had to leave the room). As of tonight Sebastian is doing as well as he had been on the tubes and we could not ask for more.
Also for those overseas my little man is weighing in at 1477 grams. (As you would say Aunt Theresa "he is positively fat in your part of the world".
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