Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blog Catch Up

While you are reading this blog you are probably seeing that this blog is being posted weeks after the birth of Sebastian. I should explain that some very dear friends and neighbors of mine Diane, Phil, Madison and Carly all suggested I do a blog. When it was suggested I did not know how I would find the time or how to do it as I am totally computer dumb. With the encouragement from Diane and the training from Madison I started plugging away to get this blog started. At this point I am not remembering dates too clearly but it is important to keep documentation as I find it very helpful for me. Also I am hoping it will help my family overseas to get regular updates on Sebastian's health and progress.

Thanks for all your help and the suggestion of the blog Diane, Phil, Maddy and Carly. I appreciate the help in learning how to post and your support has been outstanding.

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