Sunday, April 19, 2009

Wednesday March 25th

So today is the day they are shipping me to some hospital that has room. I am told that it will be Hamilton, or one of two hospitals in Toronto. Just after 1300 hours I am told the ambulance is on the way to pick me up and transport me to Women's College Hospital. I am happy about that because it is one of the best hospitals and it is alot closer then Hamilton.
The limo ride is uncomfortable and I spend the ride chatting with the medic and trying to guess exactly where we are based on what I am seeing through the back windows.
We arrive at the hospital and I am sent for an examination and told that they would be operating that evening. I am scared. I have been told that I am very dialated and that the membrane for my sweet baby is pushing its way out. I have also been told that in the next two days had I not have caught this problem then the baby would be born.

They prep me for surgery at 1730 hours and I meet the team who would look after me. Steinar is by my side the entire time and I am more worried about him then I am me. After the surgery I am feeling horrible as they had a breathing tube stuffed down my throat and it is sore. I have not eaten anything in about 36 hours and I am feeling ill and cold.

The transfer me to a ward with two other ladies and an empty bed awaiting the next arrival. It is not long before I get to know the other ladies as we will become friends as we are in the high risk unit and may be for a long time.

I am on an IVand feeling really run down not knowing what is going to happen with our baby. At this point my main concern is to not know the sex of the baby as that is the only surprise we will have (other then a possible early delivery). My Aunt Tiny in Jamaica told us long ago to leave it as a surprise and that we have done.

We make it through another day and Know we have an uncertain future ahead of us. All we can do is pray.

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