Monday, April 20, 2009

My Water Broke (what exactly did this mean)

So I am feeling a bit odd and get up for the bathroom when I feel a big gush of liquid. I don't need to call the nurse to confirm that my water broke. I am frightened as I think this means I am going to go into labour any minute. They have the doctor exam me and after confirming that "yes, your water broke" I am immediately taken from my ward room and given a private room. Why I ask? Because I may need to be alone with my family. This does not make things any less stressed for us. However I do like the fact that I have my own bathroom and privacy although I now have nobody to chat to and for me this is difficult.

The doctors meet with us and at this time I realize that the baby does not need the amniotic fluid to survive. Who would have known that? Apparently it just regenerates it's urine and can still survive until term (although this is highly unlikely in our case). The big concern is infection for both myself and our child.

All we can do is wait, and pray, and stay stress free. Easier said then done.

The next few days are filled with Doctors speaking to Steinar and I about possible outcomes. We don't like the information we are given but we know that with everyday comes a possible better outcome.

So we wait.

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