Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday March 26th

The doctors came by on rounds today and we had a very candid chat about what was going on. Dr. Akouri who operated on me to stitch my cervix closed said that he almost called off the operation as I was 5cm dialated and they did not know if they could do this type of procedure. The only worry at this point was that myself or the baby had or could get an infection. If the baby was born at this point then chances of survival would be slim to none. The doctors at this hospital always gave us the grim reality of the situation and we knew at all times what our future could possible be for us and it was not looking to be in our favor (today anyway).

Steinar and I met with the neonatal team and they explained the what if's. They baby had a chance of survival if he/she stayed in at least a couple of weeks.

One hour at a time is what we had to deal with until it became another day gone by. Everyday was a milestone.

The support of the people around me was overwhelming and the people at my job made things alot easier. I now blocked everything out but Steinar, myself and our baby.

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