It is just after midnight in the early morning of Wednesday April 8th. I don't want to take a sleeping pill as I am trying to get rest without it. My back is so painful I can't get comfortable. I am feeling the baby move but with no amniotic fluid I am guessing that the baby's movements will be felt more as it is tougher to move. I don't think much of it but I also don't sleep for the entire night.
The next day mom and dad drop by for a visit and mom notices that I "don't look very good". I chalk that up to not sleeping the entire night. I am still uncomfortable but I will deal with it as I don't want to hit the call button and bother anyone.
Michelle comes by with the tub of chocolate Ice Cream and two spoons and we dig in (me more then her). We have a great visit and she leaves as Steinar is arriving at about 515pm.
It is 530 pm and I am starting to feel pain in my abdomen and my back is on fire. I tell Steinar who (without me knowing) is timing my pain. My pain is about 8 minutes apart on regular intervals. For about one minute of that "pain" I can't breath and feel "alot of pain". The buzzer is pressed and I am hooked up to all sorts of monitors. We (the nurse) determines that I am having contractions. However, they are in a strange spot and are different. The doctor is called and after the exam they determine that the stitches are in place and nothing is happening. I am given a shot of morphine and gravol and told this would ease the pain. It makes me high but the pain has not eased up.
They wheel me to labour and delivery which is where I will remain until Sebastian is born.
That's my girl!!