Sunday, April 26, 2009

NO....He will not be called Snoop Dog (or anything like that)

So it is Saturday and I am getting prepared to check out. We still do not have a name for our beautiful boy. Steinar has phoned me last night and given me some names over the phone that he likes. We are both set on our son having a Norwegian name and a part of that heritage. We soon rule out the names I can't pronounce. That cuts it down to about have the list. I am hearing the names and certain ones stick in my head. The next day Steinar comes to the hospital with the list of names and we start to narrow them down. I ask him which name he likes and Sebastian is the one that we both are set on. We are not 100% (or I am not) as this is the rest of his life so the name is very important to me. We are told that we need to get to the fron desk of administration so that we can get him a Social Insurance number. Steinar goes down and shows up minutes later as we can't register him without having a first name.
When push came to shove we have now decided "Sebastian Bertelsen". All of a sudden he becomes a bit more real to both of us. Our baby boy has a name.

For those of you who were calling him pea (Anna) Friday (mom and dad), Snoop Dog (Steinar), Snoop doggie, dog (Jonathan) and the person who called him Fripea (Michelle moms friend) I think that was part of the reason we chose a name so quickly. Thanks for the help with the names but we are good now.

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