Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ready for baby!

It is Thursday April 9th and I am 5cm dialated and it is around 5pm. I speak with the doctor and he thinks that I am going to have this baby at about 4am on (Good Friday) April 10th. I ask him if he could manage 444am as this is a lucky number for me. He says he will see if he can fit me in.
I am told that I will not be able to deliver in the labour and delivery room as I need to be as close to the NICU (neo natal intensive care unit). I would be taken to an operating room so that the baby (he/she) could be taken right away and cared for. I am listening to ladies arriving on the same floor and screaming in pain and all I am thinking is "take the friggin epidural". I think this becasue they could be a lot more comfortable and secondly I don't want to hear the screams of anguish.

At about 130am on Good Friday they exam me and I am told I am 7cm and plus 1. They tell me that the baby may come at 333am instead of 444am. I am good with that.
I am feeling kind of funny and my pain has increased so the nurse (Mya) decides to take out my cathater (I should mention that before they put the permanent one in they put one in a total of five times) PAIN. She called the doctor at 155am and when I was checked Dr. Sarah said whatever you do don't push. I knew this was the time and I was as ready as I was going to be.

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